You may notice some changes on our site. Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions is now Duke Energy One.

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Get help reaching your operational and resiliency goals whether you’re maintaining community services, powering the operations of an agency or anything in between.

Why Local, State and Federal Government Agencies Choose Duke Energy One

Help Protect Your Operations.

Customize Solutions

From custom resiliency solutions and energy efficiency programs to managed energy services and 24/7 monitoring and support, we have extensive energy experience and the cost-effective solutions you need to help meet your goals.

Cut Costs

Cost-effective options, such as Energy Infrastructure as a Service, help lower risks and eliminate costly recurring repairs – providing you with access to the capital you need to refresh your energy systems.

Increase Resilience

Emergencies happen quickly. You can’t shut down operations for weeks every time a natural disaster happens. More reliable and resilient equipment can help keep you running efficiently before, during and after a power outage.

Learn more about energy resiliency solutions for cities, municipalities and government agencies

Want to take a deeper dive into how our solutions help drive your organization’s success? Download an overview of energy solutions and frequently asked questions for government agencies:

Federal FAQs

Federal Overview

State & Local FAQs

State & Local Overview