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Distributed Generation

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Generation

Does your industry need or produce a lot of hot water, steam or heat? Either way, CHP can help. CHP facilities use the byproducts of your processes to generate electricity or other resources you need. It’s an easy way to help your organization save money and really move the needle toward your energy efficiency goals.

Read on to see how a CHP facility can benefit your company, bottom line and the environment.

central heat power plant

CHP: More usable energy from the same amount of fuel

Maybe you’re struggling to lower your plant’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Or having a hard time keeping up with demand because your current boilers are outdated and inefficient. Or you want to install a backup power solution, so your equipment doesn’t go down when there’s an unplanned outage, but also you need constant energy to cover your base load. Or maybe it’s hard to get stakeholders on board with large capital investments because typically those projects tie up resources without immediate benefits.  

Don’t worry. If you qualify, we’ll finance your CHP project so you can boost efficiency, lower GHG emissions and reduce your overall energy cost – without upfront capital. We can even help run and maintain your CHP plant. You won’t need to train or add personnel to your team. 


How CHP Works

Whether you’re manufacturing, compounding pharmaceuticals or providing hot water for a hospital or college dorm, CHP might be a good choice for you. It’s a dependable technology and it’s been used for more than 100 years. CHP (sometimes referred to as cogeneration) was used in 1882 as part of Thomas Edison’s first U.S. commercial centralized power plant.  

So how does it work? First, we evaluate your processes for CHP opportunities. Our engineers will see if byproducts from your processes can be used to generate other things you need. Then, we’ll craft a solution and financing program that fits your needs. 

Examples of CHP solutions:

    • High-efficiency boiler and turbine to make electricity and steam
    • Reciprocating engine to produce electricity, hot water and steam
    • Combustion system using renewable bioproducts to create heat



Reach energy goals

Energy efficiency is critical for businesses. CHP is considered the “lowest hanging fruit” of efficiency because it turns waste into a resource. Plus, we’ll help keep your CHP equipment up to date, so you don’t miss out on even more efficiency gains as the technology continues to improve.


Save money

Hot water, steam or heat is already necessary for your operation. When you add a CHP system, you’re making your byproducts and processes work harder for you. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can get nearly double the energy out of the same amount of fuel and that means a lower overall energy cost.


Save time/manpower

There are never enough hours in the day when it comes to maintaining a physical plant. We can help by running and maintaining your hot water/steam and electricity production. Your team can focus on all the other things on your long to-do list