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Energy Resiliency

Emergency Response Plans and Services for Power Outages

Businesses and municipalities can get locked into a yearly cycle of waiting too long to prepare for bad weather, then scrambling to get through whatever nature throws at them. Start planning now and take control.

emergency storm prep

Break the cycle of worry, outage and expensive recovery.

In 2023, extreme weather cost the U.S. $92.9 billion and 28 weather disasters broke the previous record.. Hurricanes, wildfires and deep freezes are not going away. And not planning ahead can cost.

For the manufacturing and retail distribution sectors, extreme weather can mean lost production or distribution revenue, lost time resetting production lines and backed-up supply chains. For other sectors, it can mean colleges and schools having to suspend classes, local governments struggling to support their communities and municipal water distribution and treatment going down. Having a plan lets you and everyone on your team know what to do in the event of different emergencies. When you plan ahead, you can respond rather than react. And that helps turn disasters into challenges to be overcome. It also boosts safety and confidence for your team and customers.



How our emergency resolution service supports your power outage emergency response plan:


energy optimization icon We design, build, own, operate and maintain your backup generators, UPS facilities and everything else that helps keep you up and running when the power goes down.


person with headset icon You get a customized energy resiliency solution, 24/7 monitoring and a team of professional technicians. They’re set up to arrive in 4-48 hours for repairs (depending on the region)*.


money icon You get to convert a capital-intensive resiliency project into a dependable monthly operating expense for the life of the system (typically 10-20 years).



* Services provided are variable and based upon prior customer agreement and conditions.

Your emergency response service in action**


You: “We have an outage.”

Our dispatcher: “We saw that on our monitoring. The service technicians are already on the way.”


You: “We’re worried our backup generator will run out of fuel during this long freeze.”

Our dispatcher: “We’ve been keeping an eye on the fuel levels with our dashboard. The fuel truck is already en route to you.”


You: “How do we train our team to switch on our backup systems during the next emergency?”

Our dispatcher: “Don’t worry about it. The system is completely automated. No one even needs to be on-site to flip the switch.”

You can be remembered because you came through for customers and constituents when everything else was down. That’s our goal too. For you, these events are a rare emergency. For our teams, it’s their day-to-day job and they’ve been doing it for 20 years. Contact us now to get peace of mind, resiliency equipment and support that can help you stay up and running during planned and unplanned outages.

**Language is aggregated from service help desk conversations. Services provided are variable and based upon prior customer agreement.

How long does it take to do a resiliency project?

Resiliency projects aren't fast fixes — they're long-term revisions of how you deal with extreme weather events and unplanned outages. There are four stages to a project timeline.


We’ll walk your facilities and analyze your load needs and priorities.

Design and Engineering

We’ll find the right combination of field-tested brands and technology for your needs. And our skilled engineers can update existing infrastructure to support your beefed-up resiliency plan.

Contract Negotiation

We own and maintain the technology; you get energy and resiliency-as-a-service with a monthly payment. You don’t have to train or add people to your maintenance team either.

Construction and Commissioning

Our experienced team will prepare the site, install your technology and exhaustively test it so you can depend on your backup plans.

We stand with you when the weather turns against you.

Start Your Resiliency Journey