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Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Unplanned outages are never a good thing, whether you’re compounding pharmaceuticals, manufacturing microchips, keeping a data center running, or performing MRIs on patients. That’s why resiliency plans are becoming par for the course.  

But a successful resiliency plan isn’t just about having a backup generator 

See how bundling a backup generator with a UPS can help save your company money.

berry packaging plant

Bridging the power gap to help insulate your equipment from outages

A backup generator is the first step in your resiliency plan. However, even the most cutting-edge generators take a few moments before they begin providing the necessary power.

Enter the UPS. It’s a battery that provides critical power as soon as an outage occurs and bridges the gap until your generator can go online. A UPS is designed to shield your equipment from any interruption in its power supply – which is ideal for industries where any momentary loss of power can have a negative impact on operations.

Benefits of a UPS


Weatherproof your operation 

Recent history has shown us that extreme weather events are becoming more common. A UPS installed with your backup generator can help keep you up and running. 


Save money 

Uptime matters and downtime costs – in product and man-hours. Let a UPS help insulate you from those costs. And with financing programs that require no upfront capital, it can be a win-win situation for your bottom line. 


Save time and hassle 

Resetting your manufacturing lines can take time. Or if you’re scanning patients, a loss of power can mean restarting an MRI or CT scan. It’s simple. A UPS can help save you time and inconvenience.